Official News & Current Research


Congraturation!!: High Impact Journal Research Published (Cancer Comm. (IF: 16.2))

Congratulations on the publication of the first epigenome methodology research paper by Professor Ki Tae Kim (as First author & Corresponding author) This study conducted multi-omics analysis through RNA-seq, examining a total of 66 samples of gastric cancer metastasis. Additionally, single-cell RNA-seq experiments were performed to identify gene sets illustrating the characteristics of gastric cancer metastasis mechanisms. The study further demonstrated the predictive power by connecting these characteristics with clinical indicators and genetic factors using classical machine learning and latest deep learning techniques. Validation was performed by leveraging various publicly available datasets. Ultimately, the study confirmed the involvement of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) signals in cancer cell metastasis. By employing a comprehensive range of analytical techniques beyond mere biomarker discovery, and validating the findings through numerous public datasets, this research holds significance. Moreover, the publication of its results in high-impact journals with a score exceeding 15, without extensive experimental validation, underscores its relevance for clinical research utilizing bioinformatics and NGS technologies.


Congraturation!!: First Epigenome Methodology Research Published (Scientific Reports)

Congratulations on the publication of the first epigenome methodology research paper by Professor Hyun-Mo Ryoo, Woo-Jin Kim (as first author), Ki-Tae Kim (as corresponding author), and Ph.D. candidate Seung-Gwa Park (First main author paper) at Seoul National University School of Dentistry. This paper presents an algorithm for integrating epigenome peaks from multiple samples, overcoming limitations in previous epigenome research and providing a tool for reproducible research. This paper marks the first methodology paper from the lab and serves as the starting point for future research findings.

Congraturation!!: High Impact Journal Published (British Journal of Cancer)

A possibility of tailored therapeutic strategies based on the metastatic pathways for metastatic gastric cancer has been proposed. The research was led by Professor Yoon Young Choi (Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital, Department of Surgery) and Professor Ki-Tae Kim (Seoul National University School of Dentistry), announced on the 1st that they conducted Whole Exome Sequencing on 99 primary and matched metastatic gastric cancer tumors obtained from 15 patients with metastatic gastric cancer. As a result, it was revealed that the genomic changes of metastatic gastric cancer differed according to the metastatic routes, and the genomic characteristics of metastatic tumors had a greater impact on patient prognosis than those of primary tumors. Furthermore, based on the similarity and genetic characteristics of the cancer, the reconstructed evolutionary relationships showed various metastatic migration patterns such as "Branched" and "Diaspora," highlighting the differing patient prognoses for gastric cancer according to these patterns. Additionally, it was observed that the "Diaspora" type metastatic cancer, which independently develops early and undergoes metastasis, exhibited high tumor heterogeneity, implying poor prognosis due to factors such as chemotherapy resistance. Meanwhile, the results of this study have been published in the latest edition of the British Journal of Cancer (IF: 9.08), a renowned cancer journal in the UK.

Congraturation!!: High Impact Journal Published (Experimental & Molecular Medicine)

The paper titled "Nicotinamide enhances osteoblast differentiation through the activation of mitochondrial antioxidant defense system" was published in the prestigious international journal, the Experimental & Molecular Medicine, in July 2023. The research was led by Professors Woo-Jin Kim and Hyun-Mo Ryoo as corresponding authors.(Seoul National University School of Dentistry) The study discovered that NAM promotes osteoblast differentiation and boosts mitochondrial metabolism. NAM enhances the expression of antioxidant enzymes by activating FOXO3A transcription through SIRT3 activation. Furthermore, NAM not only prevents weak and chronic oxidative stress but also treats strong and acute exposure to H2O2 during osteoblast differentiation. In conclusion, NAM enhances osteoblast differentiation by increasing mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant enzyme expression through the SIRT3-FOXO3A axis. These findings suggest that NAM could serve as a potential preventive or therapeutic approach for ROS-related bone disorders.